Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 90 +

Weighed in at 91.5 k down 15.5 from the top feel great actually in the US right now on holidays after a business trip.  Its been a hell of a month on the work and personal front but still stuck with the plan with exception of a few trip ups.  THanks for everything guys and thanks Patrick for a great to jump rope now in the Hotel gym!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 84

well been a long grinding week getting ready for a biz trip putting in long days and dealing with a tough market but that being said hit the gym everyday and hit it hard.  I found a counter to check how many jump ropes I am doing while I zone out to my walkman.  3500 today in about 25 minutes...not too shaby considering 200 in the beginning was a challenge!

A buddy of mine asked me about the program today for the 2nd time so gave him the whole shpeel.  I harped on about the rope especially and at the end of the day he went and bought one!  Off to bed tired a few more days of PCP program but gonna stick to this even after!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Back on track again

Back from a tough week in the US the 90 day thing is just a number to me now as it doesnt mean that all of a sudden day 91 will have me back to cheeseburgers and fries with pints of beers to wash it down.  POpped out my workout yesterday legs pretty sore but feel good my weight went nowhere last week up 1 kilo but to be honest with all that was going on plus travel missed a couple days.  Day 130 should see a massive change ....back on the horse!