Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 90 +

Weighed in at 91.5 k down 15.5 from the top feel great actually in the US right now on holidays after a business trip.  Its been a hell of a month on the work and personal front but still stuck with the plan with exception of a few trip ups.  THanks for everything guys and thanks Patrick for a great to jump rope now in the Hotel gym!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 84

well been a long grinding week getting ready for a biz trip putting in long days and dealing with a tough market but that being said hit the gym everyday and hit it hard.  I found a counter to check how many jump ropes I am doing while I zone out to my walkman.  3500 today in about 25 minutes...not too shaby considering 200 in the beginning was a challenge!

A buddy of mine asked me about the program today for the 2nd time so gave him the whole shpeel.  I harped on about the rope especially and at the end of the day he went and bought one!  Off to bed tired a few more days of PCP program but gonna stick to this even after!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Back on track again

Back from a tough week in the US the 90 day thing is just a number to me now as it doesnt mean that all of a sudden day 91 will have me back to cheeseburgers and fries with pints of beers to wash it down.  POpped out my workout yesterday legs pretty sore but feel good my weight went nowhere last week up 1 kilo but to be honest with all that was going on plus travel missed a couple days.  Day 130 should see a massive change ....back on the horse!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day??? Still here

Been a horrible week trying to stay in to it but my buddy passed away a few days ago and had to get back to the US.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 70 Very tired after a busy day

After a really active day yesterday I had a little trouble sleeping so today was a bit tough and busy that being said I did say I would be better with my blogging!  Was walking to the bed room and did an about face to get on and type this out.

Diet all good did my jump ropes and just waiting to see what is in store for next week!  down 1 k since last week after having stalled for 2 weeks which I was happy about.  Still have this baby blubber that I really want to try and lose around the waist that I think is gonna be tricky,,,always have had it.

Amazing I am in to pants sizes that I have not worn in years now and people are noticing sometimes its a bit embarrassing!  I guess they were always used to big baggy pants and shirts rather then more of the form fitting stuff I sometimes wear now!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 69 great day very active

Last week was a bit tricky but was pretty good till Friday when I fell off the rails ran into the side of a cliff then fell into a 1000 foot gorge.....OK...that was Friday today is Monday and I'm back on Track in Size Ive been reading other blogs and seeing many of Us have hit a bump over the past week or two!  Jason put it right!  Lets Kick the crap out of the next 3 weeks!!!!

Today spot on with the diet and the workout was nailed...jumping rope crossing skipping one leg I have notice in the past couple weeks the my legs have really thinned out so much so that my friend Kenny said they were a bit spindly but my tennis game has really picked up I can easily cover the court again and I notice that the power in my rope jumping has really accelerated that's why I am now able to do 1 leg side to side and jog while jumping and it is getting better.  Guess I didn't realize that I had seriously chubbed out legs!!!

After my workout finished work then home for a 5 mile bike ride then 3 hours of tennis! Mrs O made me my on protein and veg.  Love the snow peas!    I have had cravings though over the past 2 weeks!  I love Bread and in japan the bread is awesome....I want a piece now!!!!!!!!!!  Small choices though, truly a great way to look at it Patrick!  So, no BREAD now...I can have it at breakfast.

Gonna read some blogs now and will be better blogging into the close!   Suck it up boys lets pound it out.....the only thing is even after the next 3 weeks it doesn't end.  We take what we learned and keep on keeping on!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday day 67?

Been bad about blogging and that's gotta stop though I have been doing OK with my workouts and diet with exception of Friday!  Had to go out with a visitor till quite late Friday night so was wiped all day yesterday.  Workouts have been going well though I did miss yesterday!  Bummed about it but spilled milk blah blah back on it today!  Posted new pics today see a pretty big difference from day 1!   Off to the gym right now!
Getting really good with the rope best exercise hands down and  a lot of fun am skipping and crossing long way away from day one where I couldn't .  Funny thing the other day 2 guys not in the program at our company gym  that have been watching us with our rope bought ropes for themselves and started jumping as well....