Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day??? Still here

Been a horrible week trying to stay in to it but my buddy passed away a few days ago and had to get back to the US.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 70 Very tired after a busy day

After a really active day yesterday I had a little trouble sleeping so today was a bit tough and busy that being said I did say I would be better with my blogging!  Was walking to the bed room and did an about face to get on and type this out.

Diet all good did my jump ropes and just waiting to see what is in store for next week!  down 1 k since last week after having stalled for 2 weeks which I was happy about.  Still have this baby blubber that I really want to try and lose around the waist that I think is gonna be tricky,,,always have had it.

Amazing I am in to pants sizes that I have not worn in years now and people are noticing sometimes its a bit embarrassing!  I guess they were always used to big baggy pants and shirts rather then more of the form fitting stuff I sometimes wear now!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 69 great day very active

Last week was a bit tricky but was pretty good till Friday when I fell off the rails ran into the side of a cliff then fell into a 1000 foot gorge.....OK...that was Friday today is Monday and I'm back on Track in Size Ive been reading other blogs and seeing many of Us have hit a bump over the past week or two!  Jason put it right!  Lets Kick the crap out of the next 3 weeks!!!!

Today spot on with the diet and the workout was nailed...jumping rope crossing skipping one leg I have notice in the past couple weeks the my legs have really thinned out so much so that my friend Kenny said they were a bit spindly but my tennis game has really picked up I can easily cover the court again and I notice that the power in my rope jumping has really accelerated that's why I am now able to do 1 leg side to side and jog while jumping and it is getting better.  Guess I didn't realize that I had seriously chubbed out legs!!!

After my workout finished work then home for a 5 mile bike ride then 3 hours of tennis! Mrs O made me my dinner....spot on protein and veg.  Love the snow peas!    I have had cravings though over the past 2 weeks!  I love Bread and in japan the bread is awesome....I want a piece now!!!!!!!!!!  Small choices though, truly a great way to look at it Patrick!  So, no BREAD now...I can have it at breakfast.

Gonna read some blogs now and will be better blogging into the close!   Suck it up boys lets pound it out.....the only thing is even after the next 3 weeks it doesn't end.  We take what we learned and keep on keeping on!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday day 67?

Been bad about blogging and that's gotta stop though I have been doing OK with my workouts and diet with exception of Friday!  Had to go out with a visitor till quite late Friday night so was wiped all day yesterday.  Workouts have been going well though I did miss yesterday!  Bummed about it but spilled milk blah blah back on it today!  Posted new pics today see a pretty big difference from day 1!   Off to the gym right now!
Getting really good with the rope best exercise hands down and  a lot of fun am skipping and crossing long way away from day one where I couldn't .  Funny thing the other day 2 guys not in the program at our company gym  that have been watching us with our rope bought ropes for themselves and started jumping as well....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 60 started well

Then my daughters first birthday party!  Ate more than I should have first time on the program!  Had to have a piece of my daughters 1st brithday cake and a bit more after that!  ! 2 sets of tennis in the AM then straight to my work out finished all that by 10 am!!  downhill for day 60 after that and now just sitting in the computer need to get to the gym motivation low !!

Oh well back on the horse...I can and will kcik the crap out of these last 29 days!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 59

Well 4:45 Tim Alex and I hit the gym and did I thing.  Working out with a group is much better as it definitely keeps you motivated and pushes you to finish.  Don't know about the 1 hour thing.  Took about 1:20 to finish and we were pushing pretty hard.  I had a physical yesterday at St Luke's  and was thrilled to see my cahrt for the past 6 years!  First time my weight was below 100.  The doctor sill said I was obese at 98!!  He told me I should be 75!!  Get outta here I said!  at 75 I would look like ET!  Big head and dangly arms and legs!  90 k is my target at that weight I will be a 33-34 waste period!   Was a bit wasted after the check up because they knocked me out for the upper GI tests so have to admit I couldn't do my workout yesterday so today I did yesterdays and will do the previous days till Tuesday when we are supposed to only do rope.  On the only rope day I will do Mondays and be caught up....not doubling up Patrick just needed to take yesterday off so yesterday will be my easy day!  Was pretty funny the 3 of us jumping rope at the company gym.  I think people think its pretty cool jumping rope.  Wouldn't be surprised to see more doing it!  Alex got hit with in the head with some dudes Swiss ball today!!  Pretty funny stuff though as I told the guy , its OK Big Al is used to getting hit in the face with guys Swiss balls.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday day 54 Wow only near a month left!

Sunday slept well powered through my workout and did a couple more dips...first time i tried couldn't even get one not so sure Im getting low enough but i am hitting the right muscles so will keep pushing on the form.  Nothing really to report.  Did do my indulgence had a bit of chocolate last night.  Was a bit tired so help improve the mood and slept like a baby.   New Work week tomorrow the last push to end of year and another resetting of the score board....gonna try a push hard the rest of the way through before we go home to see the family in New York with the new and improved me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 51-52 That Nutty Diet

So had an interesting couple days.  Well hasn't been really busy at work so have been able to get to gym on the lunch break which is great because my strength is at its peak and I can really blast a great workout in and also do it fast and hard because of the time restriction.  Found the push ups with the bars hard in the beginning but I guess the muscles get the blood going and the next few sets are easier until the last when exhaustion hits?  hard to easier to exhaustion....

Anywho,  after work yesterday I decided to go play volleyball at the american club with a buddy and the night didn't go as planned.  I knew better though as the guys that he plays with are typical soccer dad types.  While I am competitive I don't get carried away to the point where I take away from the fun and relaxation of others.  I mean heck with what we do 10-12 hours a day the last thing I need after work is to deal with some butt head trying to relive, as Bruce the boss would say, his glory days!  And heck after all is said and done volleyball?   It was a gym class that we used to do because we could hang and play with the chics!   So anyway me and 2 soccer dads vs my buddy and one other guy.  9:15 I'm tired and hungry and I have some shmuck not once not twice not even 3 times giving me a hard time...no this shmuck 4 times busting my volley BALLS about where I'm standing who I set to calling the ball...you get the picture.  Had enough so told the 2 wanna be Pepperdine and UCLA volleyball wanna be water boys I had enough got my coat and walk off.  Now hang on this has an interesting ending.....  Anyway the next day does  my very close friend the next day say hey man sorry yeah those guys get a bit carried away and take it a bit too seriously?  Nooooooo....he tells me that I used to have a thick skin. ( Why I need a thick skin on my personal time who knows...I usually wear it between 7 and 7 for the office and like to take it off and relax outside the office) so here is the punch line.

Instead of my buddy saying yeah those guys take it a bit too seriously he berates me and tells me that I am much too sensitive since being on "MY NUTTY DIET".

Really pissed me off because I think he would be happier if I were still a fat 240 lb katsu curry eating beer drinking slob,,,,

I tell him

1.   Its not a diet its a change in lifestyle that I am working at very hard.  It is again not a diet we eat well, exercise hard and sleep hard!

2.  I don't appreciate him knocking something that he knows is good for me.  ( He has made silly comments before)

He is very overweight as I was and when we all decided to do this I encouraged him to join us as it would be a positive experience and be a super positive experience for him improving his health important no?  40 with a family and a good 40 lbs overweight not good.  He declined foolishly but I am gonna keep on him and maybe he'll come around. Maybe we can do PCP 180! or PCP360 and give out belts like the karate dudes! Imagine me a PCP 3600!!!  almost 10 years ripped like a mo fo!

So my Nutty diet...this coming from someone that did Atkins once no exercise...ate seaweed soup for 2 weeks to reach a weight goal...again no exercise..and put it all back on.  I know this program works.  Its easy to see why!  Balance.  Dinners are a bit funny but if you load our diets and exercise into something like calorie counter you will see that all the body's nutritional need are met.  Wonder if Atkins or the seaweed soup diet would get the same results.

.hmmm guess he liked me better when I was pounding 4-5 pints babbling like a buffoon fat and always exhausted not to mention embarrassed because of my crappy condition!   I think Patrick spoke about these kinds of things happening.   Whatever though!  I fit into my 36 kackis for the first time in 3 years after being at 40 waist!  Fully committed more than ever to keep this change even after the 90th day!  I am mentally sharper, more energetic a better dad and husband period!    ........Soccer dads of the world take a pill and chill.

.....Nutty Diet my ass.....NI-Mixed-Nuts.jpg