Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 16

late home again great dinner veggies reduced carbs and my protein......have to admit though today I did cheat!  And I do feel pretty bad about it but I couldn't help it.  After I finished my workout and my jump rope.....I did another 100 jump ropes!   Its pretty fun to do  :)  Promise wont do it again!  Felt tired but actually my workout was pretty punchy and powerful today.  Slowed it down and wrapped the power bands to get a bit more resistance.  Felt the burn felt really good!  The diet is going well healthy food and no real hunger pains from the way I used to diet!  Thanks everyone for the encouraging posts!  I am having a hard time posting on my own!  There is a drop down menu asking me to choose aim , google chat and a few others....I choose google and then aim hit post then it all disappears!!  anyone?

Keep rocking!!  Bill glad to hear that my wife isn't the only one that didn't initially get how serious I am about this project!  Initially we had a few tiffs but now she is on board and supports me to a tee with the plan!  The mental strain from being out of shape has bothered me for a long time.  After 2 weeks feeling great and get a kick out of talking at work and here about the plan!  Patrick I can see you in your double knit polyester workout suit already as the new Jack Lalane....but you are probably too young to remember him on TV!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DAY 15

Talk about tired seriously long dull hard crappy day.  Home by 8 workout and dinner ahead was really wiped.  Still did my jumps and exercises even after my wife told me to take the day off, she could tell I was wiped. But no wimp here changed my clothes and off I went.  Feeling a lot better since I started and those pics sure do help to motivate!  Just one worry is eating late after work 8:30 ish a problem?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 14

Home from work baby in the bath felt pretty good had a bit of dinner all weighed then up for the jump ropes.  Lost count so just did another 100 just in case.  Love the rope have to get to the point Rocky was at!    Waiting to see what the diet for next week is.  I strongly believe in the method we are following.  Eat but eat smart and keep the internal furnace burning is the key.  That being said the temptation is always there  to cut back on the food we are supposed to eat because I REALLY want to dump 15 k.  Previous weight loss efforts  that I have done included a lot of running cardio pus drastic cut back of food.  It definitely worked but I was sluggish grumpy  ( OK Jason Grumpier than normal) and usually felt wiped.
Pictures are posted....I absolutely hate them!!!! I get it though and I'm in so they are up!   I think I see a bit of a change...long way to go though!

Sticking with the plan can I dump 5 k a month!!!  gambaremasu!!

The family and little Erin drive me this time its gonna stick!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 13

Long day at the office unfortunate but tough for me to get to the gym at lunch which means my workouts usually wait till 8 pm when I'm just about to run out of gas had part of my dinner did my jump ropes then ate the balance 20 minutes then all my exercise.  Not sure if this makes a difference but got through it all.

Does it make a difference?  Not really hungry for my fruit plate does that make a difference if I pass on it?  Feel good already noticing the waste on my trousers getting a lot loser even after just under 2 weeks!

need to hit that 89k target and not rebound this time! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 9

Forgot to post these numbers before 20.8  and 18.7   BP 115-78  Day 7 105.2

Will be very suprised if the weight continue to drop as it did over the past week.  Eat great today fresh veggies and fish.  Def a lot of food!!  Big thing I would like to achieve over these 90 days is to get down to 90k!   Tempted to cut down the food but I'm in the project and sticking with it.  Was a bit tired today so took a little while longer to get through the workout.

Must have been the rain!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 7

Its late knocked out my 500 jump ropes sharpish but I think I may have to look at doing my workout at lunch with Tim and Alex just too drained at night.  I do look forward to it though being part of a group of guys doing this is really great and helps from a support standpoint.  down 2 kgs in the first week but what I really found amazing is that a couple weeks off the booze and a reduced diet has already shown up on the old blood pressure....can this be?  down to a very normal 115 over 78 from a previous low hypertensive level?  What ever, feel really great positive even though work is still really tough given the markets.  As a buddy of mine would say  "Its all good"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 6

Lots of things to do around the house today always tempting having the fridge so close!  I could swear it was calling me today.   Good workout really into the jump rope Patrick said 60 calories for 700 jump ropes?  Say it isn't so!  I was online and it said 15 per minute does that mean I should be knocking off 700 in 4 minutes!!!

Tofu burger and salad for dinner after my work out have to say I am still really hungry but will get through it.   Just really curious about the diet part and the other type of exercise that will follow.  Pull ups psyching me out will struggle to do 2!

English teaching buddy in town this week he and several other friends looking to do izakaya night out saturday!!!  its been 20 years can I really just do oolong tea!  Pressure on that one.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 5

2  sets of tennis jump rope 5 70 sets and all the workouts done.  Ankle a lot better today so jumped jumped jumped.....the leather jump rope tim and I bought the other day is really really good.   Funny when I started trying it I couldn't do 3 in a row...not no mo!   Another month of this and I'm gonna enter the double dutch competition!  Love it a lot better than the treadmill!

Rock and roll with no booze! Shocker!

Great day took baby Erin to the baby gym in Azabu.  She said she wanted to do the Peak condition project but I told her she was gorgeous enough plus she cant jump rope!

A buddy of ours was playing at the Edge in Roppongi went over to watch with Tim Reed have to say it was a pathetic site!!!  There we were the two elder statesmen sipping Oolong tea instead of our normal 5 beers an hour of speed drinking.  Yes we normally drink about 4 Oolongs per rock concert so we just had 2!  I know we could have had beer as the rules say cut to half but that would have been about 10 beers over the evening and that doesnt make sense!!  Just kidding about the 10 more like 8 and a half! 

Sprained the ankle a bit on the golf course so jump rope out for today but took a brisk walk as Patrick said to do.  Those  Push up bars.....damn totally different ball game.  Glad I saw Tim and confirmed its much tougher!  Swelling going down on the Ankle gonna try a bit of tennis in the AM then work with

the new jump rope....had a bit of a battle with the Mrs she couldn't accept that the normal portion of Fish wasn't part of the plan!   "It's healthy!" She kept on saying!!  Minasan Kankei nai desyoo!  Ony half! regardless.  And that's all I ate! 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2 Yes I need the other half of dinner :)

OK day 2 in home late from work really wanted to sack out but pushed my big butt to do the workout cranked it out.  10:15 wiped its been a long week but gonna stick to this!  Jumping rope,,,,,rocky made it look easy Jimmy O makes it look comical.

Halved all my portions not too tough 88 days to go!  Gold at 5 am Tim reed you going down!

Monday, September 13, 2010