Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 16

late home again great dinner veggies reduced carbs and my protein......have to admit though today I did cheat!  And I do feel pretty bad about it but I couldn't help it.  After I finished my workout and my jump rope.....I did another 100 jump ropes!   Its pretty fun to do  :)  Promise wont do it again!  Felt tired but actually my workout was pretty punchy and powerful today.  Slowed it down and wrapped the power bands to get a bit more resistance.  Felt the burn felt really good!  The diet is going well healthy food and no real hunger pains from the way I used to diet!  Thanks everyone for the encouraging posts!  I am having a hard time posting on my own!  There is a drop down menu asking me to choose aim , google chat and a few others....I choose google and then aim hit post then it all disappears!!  anyone?

Keep rocking!!  Bill glad to hear that my wife isn't the only one that didn't initially get how serious I am about this project!  Initially we had a few tiffs but now she is on board and supports me to a tee with the plan!  The mental strain from being out of shape has bothered me for a long time.  After 2 weeks feeling great and get a kick out of talking at work and here about the plan!  Patrick I can see you in your double knit polyester workout suit already as the new Jack Lalane....but you are probably too young to remember him on TV!


  1. Jack Lalane is cool. I'd take that comparison any day.

  2. Nice action Jimbo. Where you may be having problems with commenting is 1) making sure you logged into your PCP gmail at the same time - I don't think this is 100% necessary but I've noticed my pic doesnt appear unless I am, and 2) after submitting comment, making sure you are then typing in the security/anti-spam filter word & then hitting post again.
