Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rock and roll with no booze! Shocker!

Great day took baby Erin to the baby gym in Azabu.  She said she wanted to do the Peak condition project but I told her she was gorgeous enough plus she cant jump rope!

A buddy of ours was playing at the Edge in Roppongi went over to watch with Tim Reed have to say it was a pathetic site!!!  There we were the two elder statesmen sipping Oolong tea instead of our normal 5 beers an hour of speed drinking.  Yes we normally drink about 4 Oolongs per rock concert so we just had 2!  I know we could have had beer as the rules say cut to half but that would have been about 10 beers over the evening and that doesnt make sense!!  Just kidding about the 10 more like 8 and a half! 

Sprained the ankle a bit on the golf course so jump rope out for today but took a brisk walk as Patrick said to do.  Those  Push up bars.....damn totally different ball game.  Glad I saw Tim and confirmed its much tougher!  Swelling going down on the Ankle gonna try a bit of tennis in the AM then work with

the new jump rope....had a bit of a battle with the Mrs she couldn't accept that the normal portion of Fish wasn't part of the plan!   "It's healthy!" She kept on saying!!  Minasan Kankei nai desyoo!  Ony half! regardless.  And that's all I ate! 

1 comment:

  1. This half stuff is almost over. Tell your wife it's mental training, not about the food itself!
