Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DAY 15

Talk about tired seriously long dull hard crappy day.  Home by 8 workout and dinner ahead was really wiped.  Still did my jumps and exercises even after my wife told me to take the day off, she could tell I was wiped. But no wimp here changed my clothes and off I went.  Feeling a lot better since I started and those pics sure do help to motivate!  Just one worry is eating late after work 8:30 ish a problem?


  1. Rock on Jimbo - make it happen. I hope 8:30 isn't a problem, that's about as early as I've eaten in a week.

  2. Powering through the workout even at the end of a long day - that is awesome. Getting it DONE feels pretty good, eh?

  3. Good for you for doing it when you REALLY didn't feel like it! Keep it up!

  4. If that's your only time then that's your only time. So be it. DO NOT take a day off now. These are the most crucial weeks here. For more read my blog:

  5. I know the feeling, there have been a couple days when I have thought, WTF, I am on vacation dammit, I don't want to NOT eat that ice cream or to have to get back for a workout, but it'll be worth it man, keep at it.

  6. Jimbo I've had a few similar conversations with Akane...when I'm totally spent but need to head down to the gym and get it done, she'll go, "ehhh yarisugi janaiii~?"

    It's pretty much the exact opposite of encouragement so I've just been trying to make the point to her that this is something I *HAVE* to do.

    Keep fighting the good fight.

  7. Wow, you need to tell your respective wives to get on board or get run over!!!

    That's why working out before work or during lunch is so much better....

    Also, about eating late, don't worry about eating your evening snack late, as long as its not immediately before you go to bed. 1/2-1 hour before is fine, keeps your metabolism going for a little longer, when you usually shut down when you go to sleep.....
