Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 19

Wow I was wiped today really wiped party last night but still managed to stick to the diet and drank Perrier all night...gave the conga line a pass.  Perrier and a conga line don't mix! 

Really busy yesterday golf in the morning 5 am with Tim shot crap!  then a tennis match in the evening at 6 pm so today legs and knees really really hurt.  Walking up and down the hills on the course and all the stopping and starting on the course really wore me out.  Slept a alot but still got up to the roof to do my jumps 900!

Also finally double up the power band to give me more burn for my buck!  The jumps in the beginning were seriously painful couldn't get past ten without tripping up but I loosened up after 100 and was able to get them done even though I was wiped!!!!!!  Keep pushing all!

Still Unable to post on any one's blog.  Patrick or anyone wondering if I need to be linked or listed as a follower to post?  Do you post through eblog or the peak condition site?  Just trying to give back the support that you all have give me!  HELP!!!   On the peak condition site I click on comments then it comes up post a comment then a drop down menu saying "comment as " in the box it says "Select a profile"  choices are google account live journal AIm and a few more.  When I write and try to post all my comments do not come up...I'm doing something wrong but cant figure it!  HELP!


  1. I don't know how you do PCP workout, golf, AND tennis in the same day. That is badass. For the comments, after you hit post, keep watching the page. I always get a captcha--those things where you have to type what it says in the box. Do that, and submit again and your comments might register. Good luck.

  2. Also log into Blogger first and then it will say "comment as Jim (Google)" and you'll type your comment and it will give you the word verification thing Kim mentioned above. Try that!

  3. We gotta sort that comment thing out! Good work, having an active life is often used as an excuse for not eating well or working out. Not on this blog!

  4. Nice work on getting the work out in even after a hard day!


    I am logged in as PCP Andy now on the blog, and then I choose the Google profile as well when I comment. I think I signed in once, but its the same PCP andy account. Did you try that?

  5. Strong day! Golf, tennis and PCP. Thats a whole bunch of cardio.

  6. Your tiger style is strong, well done dude.

    Just choose the google account from the "Comment as:" pull down, I think the account should be the same as your gmail login name/ would use the same if you go in thru blogger....
