Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 41 Feeling good

Long day today couldn't get out of the office till 8 pm!  Still home and up to the gym popped the rope out in 25 minutes then the workout felt strong today!  Hope it lasts!!  Hunger kinda passing as well. its midnight just finished my shake need to sack out but wanted to bash out the blog.  Kenny my buddy who I tried to get into the program came down and looked and immediately you look good! No worries though for my wife!  He ain't my type!!   Too bad he didn't do it with us.  Amazing the change I feel aft 40 days!


  1. You'll like the next 40 even more.

  2. I did the AM jump rope the other day as well, definitely breaks up the workout nicely knowing that it is out of the a shame Kenny didn't do this with us, fat bastard is a real disappointment some times.

  3. I love the positivity!

    We need to figure out what to do at day 90.
