Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 36 full day the exhaustion continues!

Quite a full 2 days!  Did my 1400 jump ropes then played an hour and 20 minutes of tennis last night home by 9 to my SHAKE!!!  Man I was starving yesterday.  I went to bed thinking my refrigerator was calling my name!  After seeing the menu had a good laugh!  I lost an egg and a banana!  What the heck but I had a chuckle as did many of the people at work that heard about my lost egg and banana!  I did laugh though!  Throw what you may my way I can take it!

Lunch meeting today so had to do my workout at 4:30 with Tim and Alex.  Alex is the form coach have to say couldn't do the piston squats.  Absolutely hurt my knees too much maybe after another 5 k will be better  so unfortunately subbed in the normal squats 5 sets of 20.  This is the one time I flaked,,,,,but had to.  ate dinner and my veg wiped but not as hungry as yesterday.  Weighed myself this morning no weight loss in 4 days a bit surprised but not worried at all as I know I am building muscle and the name of the game is condition and strength.  I'm sure the weight thing will work out over the next 2 months.   I have noticed that the past 4 days I have really been wiped and feel empty hopefully this does pass soon Im sure it will.  So jason send your breakfast over!!!!


  1. Just had a look at your week 1 and week 4 side shots. You have slimmed down quite a bit mate! I'm honestly shocked that you have not blogged about it.

    Seriously you look trim! Keep going.

    You and Bill might just have to duke it out for sexiest Orange Crusher...

  2. Don't get attached to anything on this program, because we will surely take it all away.
