Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Days 24-28!!! Was away!

Well the 3 day weekend was fantastic.  On Friday did my workout over lunch because I was going to be taking my family to Lake Saiko for the long weekend.  No Internet so couldn't log to blog.  No probs sticking to the diet ok well a little Saturday night at the BBQ but I stayed strong even though my buddy Kenny my buddy was torturing me with all the trimmings around the table.  A little rice and half a steak did me fine.  The tricky part was getting the rope in on Sunday as my wife kicked me out of the cabin because the baby was sleeping.  So tried on the grass....jump ropes don't work on grass so moved near the woods to a slab of concrete that I found.  So there I was on a moonlit night at 8 pm doing my jump rope in the dark.
Have to admit I was a bit worried that the noise from the rope might have been a mating call for a bear or something!   What a way to go I thought as I hit 900 jumps!  Humped to death by a bear then eaten jump rope and all!  Wouldn't that have given the boys in the office a laugh!  Anyway rocked the weekend away stuck to the plan and the exercise.  Haven't weighed myself yet will tomorrow but I know I am in 3-4 belt notches and that's a great feeling.  I also noticed in the pictures that we took over the weekend that my face is thinning which is great!
 Tonight I tried a new thing, I slowed the jump rope down a lot and jumped a lot higher with deeper bends rather that the normal springing on the toes.  Man did it burn like the dickens and what a sweat!  Want to try a difficult jump rope session slow and deep!

Bring on the 2nd month!


  1. Nice work for a long weekend trip! That bear attack sounds like the worst and funniest death that could ever happen.

  2. Jumping by moonlight sounds kind of badass.

  3. Mating call for a beer huh? What does that sound like? "Nama, hitotsu, kudasai"...
