Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 90 +

Weighed in at 91.5 k down 15.5 from the top feel great actually in the US right now on holidays after a business trip.  Its been a hell of a month on the work and personal front but still stuck with the plan with exception of a few trip ups.  THanks for everything guys and thanks Patrick for a great to jump rope now in the Hotel gym!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 84

well been a long grinding week getting ready for a biz trip putting in long days and dealing with a tough market but that being said hit the gym everyday and hit it hard.  I found a counter to check how many jump ropes I am doing while I zone out to my walkman.  3500 today in about 25 minutes...not too shaby considering 200 in the beginning was a challenge!

A buddy of mine asked me about the program today for the 2nd time so gave him the whole shpeel.  I harped on about the rope especially and at the end of the day he went and bought one!  Off to bed tired a few more days of PCP program but gonna stick to this even after!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Back on track again

Back from a tough week in the US the 90 day thing is just a number to me now as it doesnt mean that all of a sudden day 91 will have me back to cheeseburgers and fries with pints of beers to wash it down.  POpped out my workout yesterday legs pretty sore but feel good my weight went nowhere last week up 1 kilo but to be honest with all that was going on plus travel missed a couple days.  Day 130 should see a massive change ....back on the horse!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day??? Still here

Been a horrible week trying to stay in to it but my buddy passed away a few days ago and had to get back to the US.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 70 Very tired after a busy day

After a really active day yesterday I had a little trouble sleeping so today was a bit tough and busy that being said I did say I would be better with my blogging!  Was walking to the bed room and did an about face to get on and type this out.

Diet all good did my jump ropes and just waiting to see what is in store for next week!  down 1 k since last week after having stalled for 2 weeks which I was happy about.  Still have this baby blubber that I really want to try and lose around the waist that I think is gonna be tricky,,,always have had it.

Amazing I am in to pants sizes that I have not worn in years now and people are noticing sometimes its a bit embarrassing!  I guess they were always used to big baggy pants and shirts rather then more of the form fitting stuff I sometimes wear now!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 69 great day very active

Last week was a bit tricky but was pretty good till Friday when I fell off the rails ran into the side of a cliff then fell into a 1000 foot gorge.....OK...that was Friday today is Monday and I'm back on Track in Size Ive been reading other blogs and seeing many of Us have hit a bump over the past week or two!  Jason put it right!  Lets Kick the crap out of the next 3 weeks!!!!

Today spot on with the diet and the workout was nailed...jumping rope crossing skipping one leg I have notice in the past couple weeks the my legs have really thinned out so much so that my friend Kenny said they were a bit spindly but my tennis game has really picked up I can easily cover the court again and I notice that the power in my rope jumping has really accelerated that's why I am now able to do 1 leg side to side and jog while jumping and it is getting better.  Guess I didn't realize that I had seriously chubbed out legs!!!

After my workout finished work then home for a 5 mile bike ride then 3 hours of tennis! Mrs O made me my on protein and veg.  Love the snow peas!    I have had cravings though over the past 2 weeks!  I love Bread and in japan the bread is awesome....I want a piece now!!!!!!!!!!  Small choices though, truly a great way to look at it Patrick!  So, no BREAD now...I can have it at breakfast.

Gonna read some blogs now and will be better blogging into the close!   Suck it up boys lets pound it out.....the only thing is even after the next 3 weeks it doesn't end.  We take what we learned and keep on keeping on!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday day 67?

Been bad about blogging and that's gotta stop though I have been doing OK with my workouts and diet with exception of Friday!  Had to go out with a visitor till quite late Friday night so was wiped all day yesterday.  Workouts have been going well though I did miss yesterday!  Bummed about it but spilled milk blah blah back on it today!  Posted new pics today see a pretty big difference from day 1!   Off to the gym right now!
Getting really good with the rope best exercise hands down and  a lot of fun am skipping and crossing long way away from day one where I couldn't .  Funny thing the other day 2 guys not in the program at our company gym  that have been watching us with our rope bought ropes for themselves and started jumping as well....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 60 started well

Then my daughters first birthday party!  Ate more than I should have first time on the program!  Had to have a piece of my daughters 1st brithday cake and a bit more after that!  ! 2 sets of tennis in the AM then straight to my work out finished all that by 10 am!!  downhill for day 60 after that and now just sitting in the computer need to get to the gym motivation low !!

Oh well back on the horse...I can and will kcik the crap out of these last 29 days!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 59

Well 4:45 Tim Alex and I hit the gym and did I thing.  Working out with a group is much better as it definitely keeps you motivated and pushes you to finish.  Don't know about the 1 hour thing.  Took about 1:20 to finish and we were pushing pretty hard.  I had a physical yesterday at St Luke's  and was thrilled to see my cahrt for the past 6 years!  First time my weight was below 100.  The doctor sill said I was obese at 98!!  He told me I should be 75!!  Get outta here I said!  at 75 I would look like ET!  Big head and dangly arms and legs!  90 k is my target at that weight I will be a 33-34 waste period!   Was a bit wasted after the check up because they knocked me out for the upper GI tests so have to admit I couldn't do my workout yesterday so today I did yesterdays and will do the previous days till Tuesday when we are supposed to only do rope.  On the only rope day I will do Mondays and be caught up....not doubling up Patrick just needed to take yesterday off so yesterday will be my easy day!  Was pretty funny the 3 of us jumping rope at the company gym.  I think people think its pretty cool jumping rope.  Wouldn't be surprised to see more doing it!  Alex got hit with in the head with some dudes Swiss ball today!!  Pretty funny stuff though as I told the guy , its OK Big Al is used to getting hit in the face with guys Swiss balls.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday day 54 Wow only near a month left!

Sunday slept well powered through my workout and did a couple more dips...first time i tried couldn't even get one not so sure Im getting low enough but i am hitting the right muscles so will keep pushing on the form.  Nothing really to report.  Did do my indulgence had a bit of chocolate last night.  Was a bit tired so help improve the mood and slept like a baby.   New Work week tomorrow the last push to end of year and another resetting of the score board....gonna try a push hard the rest of the way through before we go home to see the family in New York with the new and improved me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 51-52 That Nutty Diet

So had an interesting couple days.  Well hasn't been really busy at work so have been able to get to gym on the lunch break which is great because my strength is at its peak and I can really blast a great workout in and also do it fast and hard because of the time restriction.  Found the push ups with the bars hard in the beginning but I guess the muscles get the blood going and the next few sets are easier until the last when exhaustion hits?  hard to easier to exhaustion....

Anywho,  after work yesterday I decided to go play volleyball at the american club with a buddy and the night didn't go as planned.  I knew better though as the guys that he plays with are typical soccer dad types.  While I am competitive I don't get carried away to the point where I take away from the fun and relaxation of others.  I mean heck with what we do 10-12 hours a day the last thing I need after work is to deal with some butt head trying to relive, as Bruce the boss would say, his glory days!  And heck after all is said and done volleyball?   It was a gym class that we used to do because we could hang and play with the chics!   So anyway me and 2 soccer dads vs my buddy and one other guy.  9:15 I'm tired and hungry and I have some shmuck not once not twice not even 3 times giving me a hard this shmuck 4 times busting my volley BALLS about where I'm standing who I set to calling the get the picture.  Had enough so told the 2 wanna be Pepperdine and UCLA volleyball wanna be water boys I had enough got my coat and walk off.  Now hang on this has an interesting ending.....  Anyway the next day does  my very close friend the next day say hey man sorry yeah those guys get a bit carried away and take it a bit too seriously?  Nooooooo....he tells me that I used to have a thick skin. ( Why I need a thick skin on my personal time who knows...I usually wear it between 7 and 7 for the office and like to take it off and relax outside the office) so here is the punch line.

Instead of my buddy saying yeah those guys take it a bit too seriously he berates me and tells me that I am much too sensitive since being on "MY NUTTY DIET".

Really pissed me off because I think he would be happier if I were still a fat 240 lb katsu curry eating beer drinking slob,,,,

I tell him

1.   Its not a diet its a change in lifestyle that I am working at very hard.  It is again not a diet we eat well, exercise hard and sleep hard!

2.  I don't appreciate him knocking something that he knows is good for me.  ( He has made silly comments before)

He is very overweight as I was and when we all decided to do this I encouraged him to join us as it would be a positive experience and be a super positive experience for him improving his health important no?  40 with a family and a good 40 lbs overweight not good.  He declined foolishly but I am gonna keep on him and maybe he'll come around. Maybe we can do PCP 180! or PCP360 and give out belts like the karate dudes! Imagine me a PCP 3600!!!  almost 10 years ripped like a mo fo!

So my Nutty diet...this coming from someone that did Atkins once no exercise...ate seaweed soup for 2 weeks to reach a weight goal...again no exercise..and put it all back on.  I know this program works.  Its easy to see why!  Balance.  Dinners are a bit funny but if you load our diets and exercise into something like calorie counter you will see that all the body's nutritional need are met.  Wonder if Atkins or the seaweed soup diet would get the same results.

.hmmm guess he liked me better when I was pounding 4-5 pints babbling like a buffoon fat and always exhausted not to mention embarrassed because of my crappy condition!   I think Patrick spoke about these kinds of things happening.   Whatever though!  I fit into my 36 kackis for the first time in 3 years after being at 40 waist!  Fully committed more than ever to keep this change even after the 90th day!  I am mentally sharper, more energetic a better dad and husband period!    ........Soccer dads of the world take a pill and chill.

.....Nutty Diet my ass.....NI-Mixed-Nuts.jpg

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Haven't blogged in several days just been one of those weeks super buys at work took all I could do to get my workouts in.  Was a really rough week like I said what tired every day and really struggled through some of the workouts.   I did not feel strong through most of the workouts and was really hungry as heck in the evenings.  I have been good though sticking to the plan and the workouts.  Hope this week is a bit better and last and would love just a bit more energy.  was a real trudge last week!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 41 Feeling good

Long day today couldn't get out of the office till 8 pm!  Still home and up to the gym popped the rope out in 25 minutes then the workout felt strong today!  Hope it lasts!!  Hunger kinda passing as well. its midnight just finished my shake need to sack out but wanted to bash out the blog.  Kenny my buddy who I tried to get into the program came down and looked and immediately you look good! No worries though for my wife!  He ain't my type!!   Too bad he didn't do it with us.  Amazing the change I feel aft 40 days!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Well I gave Patrick's pre breakfast jump ropes a crack have to say was stiff as a board when I first started.  I find that the case most days when I start up but after 200 or so I loosen up and they become easier.

I was starving when I went up but as I started to get in to the exercise the hunger started to pass a bit.  I have to say that I have been a bit tired over the past week.  Was up at 5:30 for Golf yesterday with Tim and Jason.  Home by about 3 and knew it was best to knock my workout out.  After golf the knees always aches because of the terrain but still belted it out.  I am still challenged by the piston squats.  The pain and form are a no go for now but as the weight goes down I will get there.  Tried a few but the pain made made switch over to the normal squats again.   Back in to my Kackis pants that I could wear for 2 years and that's a good thing!  Also did my weight and body fat all down and thats also a good thing! PCP well....this is a good thing....sounds like forest gump!

Day 9 numbers   before 20.8  and 18.7   BP 115-78  Day 7 105.2
Day 40 Numbers              19     and  16.6   BP 115-73  weight 101 flat...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 37 Thursday Peak condition on my mind all day

It was on my mind all day because I was tired irritable and tired of pushing.  Push at work, Push at home push peak condition push push push.  wanted to try to knock out 75% of the workout at lunch but got stuck  on the desk so only kicked the jump ropes out then home by 7:30 baby to sleep and up to the gym finished the balance of the workout but I think form was crap.  The new exercises Are a bit tricky still cant do the piston too painful on the knees so again did 5 sets of 20 squats...

Wasn't really in the mood to blog but there it is.  Really happy its Friday tomorrow need a weekend tired physically and mentally.  Could use a big mac but no chance of that 37 days and I'm not quitting no chance.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 36 full day the exhaustion continues!

Quite a full 2 days!  Did my 1400 jump ropes then played an hour and 20 minutes of tennis last night home by 9 to my SHAKE!!!  Man I was starving yesterday.  I went to bed thinking my refrigerator was calling my name!  After seeing the menu had a good laugh!  I lost an egg and a banana!  What the heck but I had a chuckle as did many of the people at work that heard about my lost egg and banana!  I did laugh though!  Throw what you may my way I can take it!

Lunch meeting today so had to do my workout at 4:30 with Tim and Alex.  Alex is the form coach have to say couldn't do the piston squats.  Absolutely hurt my knees too much maybe after another 5 k will be better  so unfortunately subbed in the normal squats 5 sets of 20.  This is the one time I flaked,,,,,but had to.  ate dinner and my veg wiped but not as hungry as yesterday.  Weighed myself this morning no weight loss in 4 days a bit surprised but not worried at all as I know I am building muscle and the name of the game is condition and strength.  I'm sure the weight thing will work out over the next 2 months.   I have noticed that the past 4 days I have really been wiped and feel empty hopefully this does pass soon Im sure it will.  So jason send your breakfast over!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 32-33

I've seen in a couple other posts that some people are feeling a bit wiped lately .  I have to say that the past few days have been the same for me.   Yesterday Saturday I was really exhausted.   I went up to do my workout at 5 PM took me about 1:45 minutes to finish my workout legs felt like lead.  Maybe its the change in diet?  Anyway, today a lot better got to the gym at noon felt a lot stronger and powered through my workout.    The change in diet a little tricky.  I see a lot of posts saying too much food!  Hey if its too much send the extra to me!  I'm trying to space out meals and snacks I'm sure I will get used to the change. At the end of the day I really am seeing a difference and am seriously happy about it!

Its going to be tricky this week with work think I may have to break my workout up into 2 sessions.  I can do the jump ropes at the office 1350 or how ever man then do a couple hundred at night at home to warm up before the workout just to get the blood flowing before the exercises.  Doing it all at 9 pm just too tough after 13 hours and I don't think I am getting the full benefit if I am dragging my ass through the workout.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 31 talk about wiped

11:30 pm just finished my work out not the best time to be working out but it was the only time I could fit it in.   Have to say it was totally exhausting but of course it would be work all day then start working out at 9:30!!!   Took Tim s advice 2 egg whites in a shake with cinnamon and a bit of honey.  Don those whites went and I was tasty.

Completely wiped ,,,curious about how Patrick chose the diet?  1 banana apple and 2 egg white?  What give patrick? What is it doing to us.
Nighty night i am so sleepy

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 30 Egg white,,,,hope tabasco is ok!

So Patrick said man up and what could I say.  I hate egg white!  Always did!  It truly is the one thing I can't eat!!  Fried egg always yellow gone and white left!  So I man up...took my veg snack through some of the peppers and tomato in along with a little apple and Tabasco!  The miracle spice!  Tell me Patrick it can't be a no no to use Tabasco!!  is it!! ????

8:30 start on the workout finished in a little over an hour those dips a killer!  I know I'm not getting down enough but I assume that will come with my weight loss and increased strength.  also the crawl.  Hey Patrick how about a U tube to show us the proper form?  I see you have one already might be helpful for Us to see the correct form.  Though the dips will only come with time and weight loss.  Night!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Days 24-28!!! Was away!

Well the 3 day weekend was fantastic.  On Friday did my workout over lunch because I was going to be taking my family to Lake Saiko for the long weekend.  No Internet so couldn't log to blog.  No probs sticking to the diet ok well a little Saturday night at the BBQ but I stayed strong even though my buddy Kenny my buddy was torturing me with all the trimmings around the table.  A little rice and half a steak did me fine.  The tricky part was getting the rope in on Sunday as my wife kicked me out of the cabin because the baby was sleeping.  So tried on the grass....jump ropes don't work on grass so moved near the woods to a slab of concrete that I found.  So there I was on a moonlit night at 8 pm doing my jump rope in the dark.
Have to admit I was a bit worried that the noise from the rope might have been a mating call for a bear or something!   What a way to go I thought as I hit 900 jumps!  Humped to death by a bear then eaten jump rope and all!  Wouldn't that have given the boys in the office a laugh!  Anyway rocked the weekend away stuck to the plan and the exercise.  Haven't weighed myself yet will tomorrow but I know I am in 3-4 belt notches and that's a great feeling.  I also noticed in the pictures that we took over the weekend that my face is thinning which is great!
 Tonight I tried a new thing, I slowed the jump rope down a lot and jumped a lot higher with deeper bends rather that the normal springing on the toes.  Man did it burn like the dickens and what a sweat!  Want to try a difficult jump rope session slow and deep!

Bring on the 2nd month!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 23 work out.....done

11 PM worked out wore out showered bed......all done night .............

Do have to say all that patrick has said so far is coming a nasty zit under my eyebrow last week...
feel a bit of a cold coming on.....hope next thing isn't regarding a limb falling off!!

Day 23 pre work out.....

Im on the couch !!!

Im on the couch !!!

Im on the couch !!!

Im on the couch !!!

Im on the couch !!!

Get up!!!!!! Im Tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh Im up !  *:45 long day up to the gym

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

day 22 done and dusted wasnt easy

Work day and knew I had to attend a work related dinner today.  It was really difficult! The mango tree in the Maranouchi building!  Incredible food!!   5 bottles of wine beers bead with pork and beef spread pa thai green curry and more wine,  And I had none of it.  Instead I had steamed vegetables and my some broiled chicken.  No rice no noodles no carbs!

Got the workout in today with Tom and Alex at 5 before the dinner and it was hard.  the 100 sit ups very tough but knocked them out along with the other exercises.  Home now 11 pm wiped off to bed!

Still can't do comments on anyones blog sorry!!  Think I'm gonna give up trying too frustrating.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 21

played a couple of sets of tennis after work with my wife and 2 friends then back hone to the ole rope.  Tried to concentrate on the breathing as I have found that I have a tendency to hold breathes while jumping and doing my exercise.  I found that controlling my breathing made the rope a lot easier but there was 1 problem, counting!  Even though I started at 10 got through my routine pretty quickly and the focus on breathing really helped me.  I also felt for some reason that I sweat a heck of a lot more.  Patrick was right about outlook on life and state of mind.  I am much calmer and at peace with everything since getting in to this program.  The combination of diet and exercise is really having a positive affect even at this early stage of the game.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 20

Bit of a battle with the little woman over the diet she doesnt get that I have to strict on the balance department.  Anyway long day again very tired the work out took a bit longer than I would have like 1 hour 15 minutes.  I was going to have an early dinner then hit the workout but read blockys post and it kinda put me off my feed!  So went up did my workout then dinner.  20 days down 70 to go then a lifetime after that!  Feel good and though work is a challenge this project keep me positive and in the day.  I feel really positive at work and in my home life. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 19

Wow I was wiped today really wiped party last night but still managed to stick to the diet and drank Perrier all night...gave the conga line a pass.  Perrier and a conga line don't mix! 

Really busy yesterday golf in the morning 5 am with Tim shot crap!  then a tennis match in the evening at 6 pm so today legs and knees really really hurt.  Walking up and down the hills on the course and all the stopping and starting on the course really wore me out.  Slept a alot but still got up to the roof to do my jumps 900!

Also finally double up the power band to give me more burn for my buck!  The jumps in the beginning were seriously painful couldn't get past ten without tripping up but I loosened up after 100 and was able to get them done even though I was wiped!!!!!!  Keep pushing all!

Still Unable to post on any one's blog.  Patrick or anyone wondering if I need to be linked or listed as a follower to post?  Do you post through eblog or the peak condition site?  Just trying to give back the support that you all have give me!  HELP!!!   On the peak condition site I click on comments then it comes up post a comment then a drop down menu saying "comment as " in the box it says "Select a profile"  choices are google account live journal AIm and a few more.  When I write and try to post all my comments do not come up...I'm doing something wrong but cant figure it!  HELP!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 17

Played 2 hours of tennis came home perfect dinner thanks honey.  The opened up my peak email and saw that there were substitutes for jumping rope.....I was seriously tired today long day then tennis afterward so I though well Patrick said 30 minute jog would be a substitute for the jump ropes.  2 hours of tennis has to be more than that.  Then I grabbed my ropes banged out the 850 and the exercise!  Move it Chubs! No slacking here i did the tennis the ropes and the exercise!  Golf at 5 am then a doubles tennis match tomorrow.  Sticking to the diet and boy Bill wasn't kidding!!  I did get my wish!  Hey where's my pasta!!!  Cut to 1/3 last weeks level!   I shouldn't have complained!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 16

late home again great dinner veggies reduced carbs and my protein......have to admit though today I did cheat!  And I do feel pretty bad about it but I couldn't help it.  After I finished my workout and my jump rope.....I did another 100 jump ropes!   Its pretty fun to do  :)  Promise wont do it again!  Felt tired but actually my workout was pretty punchy and powerful today.  Slowed it down and wrapped the power bands to get a bit more resistance.  Felt the burn felt really good!  The diet is going well healthy food and no real hunger pains from the way I used to diet!  Thanks everyone for the encouraging posts!  I am having a hard time posting on my own!  There is a drop down menu asking me to choose aim , google chat and a few others....I choose google and then aim hit post then it all disappears!!  anyone?

Keep rocking!!  Bill glad to hear that my wife isn't the only one that didn't initially get how serious I am about this project!  Initially we had a few tiffs but now she is on board and supports me to a tee with the plan!  The mental strain from being out of shape has bothered me for a long time.  After 2 weeks feeling great and get a kick out of talking at work and here about the plan!  Patrick I can see you in your double knit polyester workout suit already as the new Jack Lalane....but you are probably too young to remember him on TV!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DAY 15

Talk about tired seriously long dull hard crappy day.  Home by 8 workout and dinner ahead was really wiped.  Still did my jumps and exercises even after my wife told me to take the day off, she could tell I was wiped. But no wimp here changed my clothes and off I went.  Feeling a lot better since I started and those pics sure do help to motivate!  Just one worry is eating late after work 8:30 ish a problem?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 14

Home from work baby in the bath felt pretty good had a bit of dinner all weighed then up for the jump ropes.  Lost count so just did another 100 just in case.  Love the rope have to get to the point Rocky was at!    Waiting to see what the diet for next week is.  I strongly believe in the method we are following.  Eat but eat smart and keep the internal furnace burning is the key.  That being said the temptation is always there  to cut back on the food we are supposed to eat because I REALLY want to dump 15 k.  Previous weight loss efforts  that I have done included a lot of running cardio pus drastic cut back of food.  It definitely worked but I was sluggish grumpy  ( OK Jason Grumpier than normal) and usually felt wiped.
Pictures are posted....I absolutely hate them!!!! I get it though and I'm in so they are up!   I think I see a bit of a change...long way to go though!

Sticking with the plan can I dump 5 k a month!!!  gambaremasu!!

The family and little Erin drive me this time its gonna stick!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 13

Long day at the office unfortunate but tough for me to get to the gym at lunch which means my workouts usually wait till 8 pm when I'm just about to run out of gas had part of my dinner did my jump ropes then ate the balance 20 minutes then all my exercise.  Not sure if this makes a difference but got through it all.

Does it make a difference?  Not really hungry for my fruit plate does that make a difference if I pass on it?  Feel good already noticing the waste on my trousers getting a lot loser even after just under 2 weeks!

need to hit that 89k target and not rebound this time! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 9

Forgot to post these numbers before 20.8  and 18.7   BP 115-78  Day 7 105.2

Will be very suprised if the weight continue to drop as it did over the past week.  Eat great today fresh veggies and fish.  Def a lot of food!!  Big thing I would like to achieve over these 90 days is to get down to 90k!   Tempted to cut down the food but I'm in the project and sticking with it.  Was a bit tired today so took a little while longer to get through the workout.

Must have been the rain!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 7

Its late knocked out my 500 jump ropes sharpish but I think I may have to look at doing my workout at lunch with Tim and Alex just too drained at night.  I do look forward to it though being part of a group of guys doing this is really great and helps from a support standpoint.  down 2 kgs in the first week but what I really found amazing is that a couple weeks off the booze and a reduced diet has already shown up on the old blood pressure....can this be?  down to a very normal 115 over 78 from a previous low hypertensive level?  What ever, feel really great positive even though work is still really tough given the markets.  As a buddy of mine would say  "Its all good"

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 6

Lots of things to do around the house today always tempting having the fridge so close!  I could swear it was calling me today.   Good workout really into the jump rope Patrick said 60 calories for 700 jump ropes?  Say it isn't so!  I was online and it said 15 per minute does that mean I should be knocking off 700 in 4 minutes!!!

Tofu burger and salad for dinner after my work out have to say I am still really hungry but will get through it.   Just really curious about the diet part and the other type of exercise that will follow.  Pull ups psyching me out will struggle to do 2!

English teaching buddy in town this week he and several other friends looking to do izakaya night out saturday!!!  its been 20 years can I really just do oolong tea!  Pressure on that one.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 5

2  sets of tennis jump rope 5 70 sets and all the workouts done.  Ankle a lot better today so jumped jumped jumped.....the leather jump rope tim and I bought the other day is really really good.   Funny when I started trying it I couldn't do 3 in a row...not no mo!   Another month of this and I'm gonna enter the double dutch competition!  Love it a lot better than the treadmill!

Rock and roll with no booze! Shocker!

Great day took baby Erin to the baby gym in Azabu.  She said she wanted to do the Peak condition project but I told her she was gorgeous enough plus she cant jump rope!

A buddy of ours was playing at the Edge in Roppongi went over to watch with Tim Reed have to say it was a pathetic site!!!  There we were the two elder statesmen sipping Oolong tea instead of our normal 5 beers an hour of speed drinking.  Yes we normally drink about 4 Oolongs per rock concert so we just had 2!  I know we could have had beer as the rules say cut to half but that would have been about 10 beers over the evening and that doesnt make sense!!  Just kidding about the 10 more like 8 and a half! 

Sprained the ankle a bit on the golf course so jump rope out for today but took a brisk walk as Patrick said to do.  Those  Push up bars.....damn totally different ball game.  Glad I saw Tim and confirmed its much tougher!  Swelling going down on the Ankle gonna try a bit of tennis in the AM then work with

the new jump rope....had a bit of a battle with the Mrs she couldn't accept that the normal portion of Fish wasn't part of the plan!   "It's healthy!" She kept on saying!!  Minasan Kankei nai desyoo!  Ony half! regardless.  And that's all I ate! 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2 Yes I need the other half of dinner :)

OK day 2 in home late from work really wanted to sack out but pushed my big butt to do the workout cranked it out.  10:15 wiped its been a long week but gonna stick to this!  Jumping rope,,,,,rocky made it look easy Jimmy O makes it look comical.

Halved all my portions not too tough 88 days to go!  Gold at 5 am Tim reed you going down!

Monday, September 13, 2010